亚大 智能安防

Product Detail
coin box
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coin box

型号 Mod.E10064TG
净重 166
尺寸 600W*1100H*600Dmm


☉ authoritative attestation ☉ safety 360 °

☉ originality made ☉ low consumption and energy saving

☉ humanization design quality


Designedand manufactured coin box for cashiers, the turnplate adopts the input mode of"only in but not out", no need to open the safe to deposit money;

Convenience: transferboard can be put in close, can meet a variety of cash or portfolio investment;

Safety: high qualityfully sealed welded steel structure, three-dimensional protection, multi-pointlocking, upgrade from ordinary single point locking to surface locking,anti-theft, anti-pry;Anti-theft mechanical lock;Special coin slot componentsprevent the items in the box from leaking out when the box is upside down.Threeconsecutive wrong input password, keyboard lock for 15 minutes;

Management: 16-bittwo-segment password unpacking;Emergency key to facilitate


Optional: optionalnon-standard configuration such as burglar alarm, built-in lighting andreal-time monitoring of safe switch status, and compatible protocol interfacecan be designed according to the upgrade of hotel hardware, software ormanagement requirements.Optional pure mechanical coin cabinet: UL mechanicalcode lock + anti theft lock + five locking tongue mechanism;

TEL: +86-574-62777288

FAX: +86-574-62777052



地址:中国浙江省余姚市经济开发区鸿运路 10号(315403)