亚大 智能安防

Product Detail
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36 series silicone key password pump

型号 ED1700B
净重 15kgs
尺寸 460W*178H*400D

Thedrawer safe matches the wardrobe

未标题-1.jpgRoyal life "true, good andbeautiful" silicone button upgrade

The authorized authentication locksystem is stable in actual use by 1 million users.

Genuine materials

1.All steel box and drawer low carbonhigh quality alloy steel more solid security more assured.

2.The top load slide rail is safe andreliable and has a longer life.

3.The authorized authentication locksystem is stable and safe in actual use by 1 million users.


1. Open the drawer and display the"Hello" silicone button, which lights up and waits for the passwordinput of the host.

2. Super silent track will notdisturb the sleeping TA.

3, close the drawer automatic lockbox.


1. French romantic fashion design.

2. Italian blue and silver dotsperfectly match the wardrobe style of young people.

3, luxurious flocking drawer can beadded with a storage box.

TEL: +86-574-62777288

FAX: +86-574-62777052



地址:中国浙江省余姚市经济开发区鸿运路 10号(315403)